Revelation 22:2b
Revelation 22, Page 3

Re-evaluation Translation
Repeating) 22:2  In the midst of these broad principles, and along side of the flow of purified belief, was the elevated structure of core beliefs, which bare twelve character qualities, a quality every month: and these core beliefs healed the people.

Bible, KJV Translation
Repeating) 22:2  In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 22:2 (31 August 2008):  
“Which bare twelve manner of fruits,” or twelve nourishing qualities. These qualities are associated with the twelve commandment structures, the twelve tribes, the twelve constellations, and, as noted here, the twelve months. These qualities are noted beside the twelve tribes on the Chart of Twelves. In order of their presentation and development, they are: overrulling unity with Yehuveh, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, lovingkindness, sound judgment, balanced harmony, purposed amabition, respect, persistance, communication, self-direction. These qualities are indeed up-building and uplifting. Fruit is from karpos [G2590, used only twice, both in Revelation 22:2] and means “fruit, from trees, vines, plants, or from one’s body, as in progeny, posterity; the product of labor, effort, work, acts, deeds; advantage, profit, utility; praises; to gather fruit, to harvest or reap.” Manner is a supplied word. The text simply reads “which made fruits twelve.”
“Yielded her fruit every month,” as discussed in notes beside the twelve stones of the foundation of Yehuveh’s truth, each month we have opportunity to re-examine one of the twelve foundational commandments and nourish ourselves with one of these twelve fruit. Yielded is simply made, from apodidomi [G0591] as discussed in notes on Revelation 18:6. Month is from men [G3376] and marks the time of the new or crescent moon. Men is used only in Revelation 9:5, 10, 15; 11:2; 13:5; 22:2.

      Commandments                     Fruit / qualities         Approximate Months        
      #1: Yehuveh first                    unity with Yehuveh      21 July to 20 Aug.
Make no idols                    wisdom                         21 June to 20 July
Serve no idols                    understanding              21 May to 20 June
Hold no vanity                   knowledge                    21 Apr. to 20 May
Keep Sabbaths                   lovingkindness             21 Mar. to 20 Apr.
Work 6-days                      sound judgment           21 Feb. to 20 Mar.
Honor family                     balanced harmony        21 Jan. to 20 Feb.
Regard all life                    purposed ambition       21 Dec. to 20 Jan.
No adulteration                  respect, obedience       21 Nov. to 20 Dec.
Never steal                      persistance                  21 Oct. to 20 Nov.
Right communication       communication            21 Sept. to 20 Oct.
Directed passion               self-direction               21 Aug. to 20 Sept.

“The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations,” more correctly would be, “the parts or segments of the tree,” that is these twelve commandments and twelve qualities. As the nations embrace Yehuveh’s structured truth, they are healed in both body and soul. If you want to become a whole person, study and embrace Yehuveh’s twelve solid foundation principles and their hundred-forty-four unit wall of corresponding statutes and judgments! Living Yehuveh’s instructions will eliminate every hurtful and destructive behavior in our lives. Leaf is from phullon [G5444], used only here in Revelation, from phule [G5443], tribe or kindred.  Healing is from therapeia [G2322], “service rendered one another.” Nations, peoples, see notes on Revelation 10:11.

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               31 August 2008
Latest Update:                       5 November 2008

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