Revelation 21:17e
Revelation 21, Page 22e

Bible, KJV Translation
21:17  And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

Re-evaluation Translation
21:17  Yehuveh explains the measurement His instruction,
an hundred and forty and four items, presented in simple human language, a clear message.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 21:17 expansion (7 August 2008): 

Structure #7Honour thy father and thy mother.” Exodus 20:12.

Detail #7:1Train up a child in the way he should go.”
Detail #7:2Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father.”
Detail #7:3My son, hear the instruction of thy father.”
Detail #7:4Children making wise life-choices honors parents.
Detail #7:5Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head.”
Detail #7:6Honoring parents is part of Yehuveh’s “long life” plan.
Detail #7:7Despising their guiding instruction dishonors parents.
Detail #7:8Disobedience, open or secretive, dishonors parents.
Detail #7:9Cursing parents dishonors them.
Detail #7:10Robbing parents dishonors them.
Detail #7:11Striking parents dishonors them.
Detail #7:12Sexually interacting with either parent dishonors both.

Structure #8Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13.

Detail #8:1Yehuveh never excuses intentional human murder.
Detail #8:2Paid murderers and assassins are under Yehuveh’s curse.
Detail #8:3Accidental manslaughter is to be judged and excused.
Detail #8:4Punishment is required for accidental death of servants.
Detail #8:5Murder is to be avenged by near relatives.
Detail #8:6Accountability is required for shedding innocient blood.
Detail #8:7Unknown murder is to be resolved by city leaders.
Detail #8:8Killing for food is permitted, but not eating the blood.
Detail #8:9The earth will disclose its blood, exposing human violence.
Detail #8:10Treachery-killing returns on the head of the propagator.
Detail #8:11Owners will be punished for patterned animal violence.
Detail #8:12If someone else’s animal is killed, it must be replaced.

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               7 August 2008
Latest Update:                     8 August 2008

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