Revelation 21:17d
Revelation 21, Page 22d

Bible, KJV Translation
21:17  And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

Re-evaluation Translation
21:17  Yehuveh explains the measurement His instruction,
an hundred and forty and four items, presented in simple human language, a clear message.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 21:17 expansion (2 August 2008): 

Structure #5Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8.

Detail #5:1At creation Yehuveh modeled work-six-days-rest-one.  
Detail #5:2Sabbath is for our re-fresh-ment, re-starting our beings.
Detail #5:3Sabbaths are time for personal instruction from Yehuveh.
Detail #5:4Sabbath-keeping is a perpetual covenant for all people.
Detail #5:5We are to guard Sabbath as a most precious possession.
Detail #5:6Sabbaths are separate from all other times (holy).
Detail #5:7Sabbaths are uniquely pleasant, happy (blessed) times!
Detail #5:8Guarding Sabbath is evidence (sign) of our relationship.
Detail #5:9Spending time with Yehuveh on Sabbath will purify us!
Detail #5:10We are not to pursue our personal goals on Sabbath.
Detail #5:11Those who work on Sabbath will separate themselves.
Detail #5:12All who defile Sabbath, rejecting the life-source, will die.

Structure #6Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work.” Exodus 20:9-11.

Detail #6:1Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work.”  
Detail #6:2The “six working days” are scheduled between Sabbaths.
Detail #6:3“Six working days” are set by movements of the moon.  
Detail #6:4New Moons align “the six working days” with lunar cycles.
Detail #6:5The “six working days” are eclipsed by Yehuveh’s feasts.
Detail #6:6Family leaders must keep the “six working days” and rest.
Detail #6:7All associated with the family leader keep this balance.
Detail #6:8At creation Yehuveh modeled six-days-of-work, then rest.
Detail #6:9This work-rest balance is Yehuveh’s righteous instruction!
Detail #6:10Yehuveh’s work-Sabbath blessing makes us truly happy.
Detail #6:11Sabbaths, set-aside from our labors, lift and cleanse us.
Detail #6:12Sabbath protects us from turning to worship our labors.

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               2 August 2008
Latest Update:                     4 August 2008

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