Revelation 21:14-11
Revelation 21, Page 17-11

Bible, KJV Translation
Repeating) 21:14  And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Re-evaluation Translation
Repeating) 21:14  The protective structure around Yehuveh’s people is based on twelve foundation principles, defined as the twelve core structures of the Lamb-king.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 21:14 continued (20 July 2008):  “The wall of the city had twelve foundations,” that is, twelve fundamental principles on which all the rest of the moral code is established. Torah presents these twelve commandments or foundation structures in Exodus 20:3-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21.

Explanation and Scriptural foundation of the eleventh:

Structure #11:  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” Exodus 20:16;
                Deuteronomy 5:20.

     Corresponding Quality from
Qabbalah, the Tree of Life: communication, connection
Companion Statutes and Right-Rulings (judgments) which raise a protective wall on this foundation.
Foundation Stone, Tribe, and Sign of Zadok  

Significance:  This is not the language we commonly use any more, but the concept is well understood
                nonetheless. Your
witness is simply your communication with another person, and all false
is incompatible with Yehuveh’s ways and wisdom. Anything which misleads,
                deceives, misrepresents, and is in any other manner dishonest is excluded by this boundary.

“Ye shall not . . . deal falsely, neither lie one to another.” Rather “execute true judgment, and
                shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother: and oppress not the widow, nor the
                fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your
Yehuveh openly states His judgment of those “whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him
                will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer.”
Leviticus 19:11;
Zechariah 7:9-10; Psalms 101:5.
                      In sharp contrast to this boundary,
there is a rich array of positive things we are to do toward
                our neighbors, behaviors which lie well within these boundaries
: “These are the things that ye
                shall do;
(1) Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; (2) execute the judgment of truth
                and peace in your gates:
(3) and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his
                neighbour; and
(4) love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith Yehuveh.”
                “Yehuveh, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
(5) He that
                walketh uprightly,
and (6) worketh righteousness, and (7) speaketh the truth in his heart.
He that backbiteth not with his tongue, (9) nor doeth evil to his neighbour, (10) nor taketh
                up a reproach against his neighbour.
(11) In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but
he honoureth them that fear Yehuveh. (13) He that sweareth to his own hurt, and
                changeth not.
(14) He that putteth not out his money to usury, (15) nor taketh reward against
                the innocent.
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.” Zechariah 8:16-17; Psalms 15:1-5.
  Continued . . .

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               20 July 2008
Latest Update:                       5 November 2008

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