Revelation 20:6a
Revelation 20, Page 11

Bible, KJV Translation
20:6  Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Re-evaluation Translation
20:6  Blessed and holy is everyone who embraces truth in the first arising: lies and vanity never again influence them, but they will be communicators for Elohim and for His anointed instructors, and share influence a thousand days.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 20:6 (13 July 2008):  “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection,” is, “Happy and set-apart to Yehuveh are all who embraced Yehuveh’s truth in this first arising!” They are the “hundred forty and four thousand” “firstfruit” leaders and “they sung as it were a new song. . . . These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. . . . They are without fault before the throne of Elohim.” Blessed is discussed by Revelation 1:3; holy by Revelation 3:7 and 4:8. Revelation 14:1-5.
“On such the second death hath no power,” literally says, they will never again be dead, never again be indifferent to Yehuveh’s instruction nor turn from His ways. Having been brought to complete harmony with Yehuveh in every way and having confirmed their covenant with Him, no lie or vanity will ever again have power over them. Awesome security! Reason for exalted praise! Rightly translated, Revelation 20:6 lends no support to a theory of two deaths, one temporary and the other permanent. As discussed by Revelation 19:21, all words relating to death describe completion, bringing to a complete end. There can only be one complete end! This is the reason the physical resurrection and instruction is only for those who have not yet made their final decision, as discussed extensively in the notes on Revelation 18:8. Second, which is simply the Greek word meaning another or again, is discussed briefly in notes on Revelation 6:3; death by Revelation 2:11 and 6:8; power by Revelation 2:26.
“They shall be priests of God and of Christ,” is a powerful declaration that the firstfruit people who learned from and united with Yehuveh’s anointed instructors during this first thousand days are to communicate with the common people both for Yehuveh and for His anointed. Unlike the traditional view, these priests are communicators, both presenting Yehuveh’s instructions to the people and together with the people bringing their concerns before Yehuveh. All Israel will fulfill this purpose: “Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.” Priests, from hiereus [G2409] and used only three times in Revelation [1:6; 5:10; 20:6], is defined by James Strong to describe those who have been “brought into close intercourse with” Yehuveh and have “devoted their lives to Him alone and to” His anointed. This is much broader and more fitting than the traditional identification of priests as only serving in a temple, sanctuary, or church setting. To everyone who recognize that “the Spirit of Yehuveh Elohim is upon me; because Yehuveh hath anointed me,” Yehuveh says “Ye shall be named the Priests of Yehuveh: men shall call you the Ministers of our Elohim.” Exodus 19:6; Isaiah 61:1-6.
“Shall reign with him a thousand years (days),” tying back to Revelation 20:4, emphasizes the influence these firstfruit leaders have with Yehuveh’s anointed instructors during this span, 5 October 2005 through 30 June 2009.

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               13 July 2008
Latest Update:                     13 July 2008

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