Revelation 18:4
Revelation 18, Page 4

Bible, KJV Translation
18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Re-evaluation Translation
18:4  Yehuveh’s anointed instructors heard another clarification, saying, Withdraw from this system, My people, that not live out its sins or its corrections.

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 18:4 (27 June 2008):  “I heard another voice from heaven, saying,” is, “Yehuveh’s anointed instructors heard another clarification from His protection.” See Revelation 4:1 regarding voice.
“Come out of her, My people,” is far more than a call to leave a church or a social position. Rather, this is a powerful appeal to Yehuveh’s people to utterly turn away from this false economic system and forever forsake this corrupt greed-driven materialistic mentality. Come out, from exerchomai [G1831, “to go or come forth; forsake”], is a frequent action in Revelation, being used as an appeal in Revelation 18:4 and as a description in Revelation 9:3; 14:15, 17, 18, 20; 15:6; 19:5. Of going somewhere: Revelation 3:12; 6:2, 4; 20:8
“That ye be not partakers of her sins.” Partakers, from sugkoinoneo [G4790], meaning “to take part with; to communicate with; to fellowship with,” is used only here in Revelation. Sins is discussed in notes on Revelation 18:5.
“That ye receive not of her plagues.” Yehuveh’s people, by not participating in the greed-driven mentality, will not need to experience the painful and destructive social restructuring of those who idolize and worship this system.
Plagues is discussed in notes on Revelation 9:20.

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               27 June 2008
Latest Update:                     27 June 2008

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