Revelation 1:9-10
Revelation 1, Page 7

Re-evaluation Translation
1:9  The Yehuveh-molded messengers, our close kindred, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of the Yehuveh-saved anointed, were deeply desiring to open the prophecies of the word of Elohim, and the communications of the Yehuveh-saved anointed instructors.
1:10  They were alive on Yehuveh’s great and terrible day, and had before heard the announcement on 5 October 2005 of the following 1260-days of special instruction.

Bible, KJV Translation
1:9  I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

1:10  I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Significant Words and Comments:
Commentary on Revelation 1:9 (24 November 2007): John, as noted in Revelation 1:1, identifies Yehuveh-molded instructors. 
        The phrase
“your brother” is used seven times in Genesis 42-45 regarding Joseph and his brothers. Claiming close relations is intended to create a bond and insure confidence in the message, though Joseph’s case his brothers gendered quite the opposite.
        Likewise, claiming to be a
“companion in tribulation” is meant to identify common experience. Tribulation [from entry G2347] means pressure, affliction, anguish, persecution, trouble. Tribulation was the experience from which David wished to be delivered: “Behold, . . . let my life be much set by in the eyes of Yehuveh, and let Him deliver me out of all tribulation.” Doubtless, this is our prayer as well! 1 Samuel 26:24.
“And in the kingdom”" As with all Yehuveh’s anointed, these Yehuveh-molded instructors will be leaders “in the kingdom” Yehuveh is establishing. See notes on Revelation 1:6.
Patience correlates to steadfastness, endurance, stability. David twice speaks of waiting patiently on Yehuveh [Psalms 37:7; 40:1]. The phrase which was mis-translated “the patience of Jesus Christ in the King James Version of the Bible is simply “the steadfastness of the Yehuveh-freed anointed instructors.
        What is
“the isle of Patmos”? Because the original text was written in Hebrew, the rendering of geographical locations for the Hebrew expressions clearly shows how little understanding the Greek translators had of spiritual matters. Or worse, it may well be evidence that there was purposed sabotage.
        In Hebrew,
island/isle [entry H0339] is “a habitable spot, desirable,” from the root verb [H0183] “to wish for; covet, greatly desire, long for, lust.”
Patmos has no direct Hebrew root, but having four consonants, it is likely a compound word derived from the primary root pathah [H6601], “to open, to make roomy, to make simple;” and massa’ [entry H4853], “an utterance, tribute, prophecy.” Patmos, then, correlates to opening the meaning of prophecy, making it simple to understand.
        Pulling these insights together, then, being
“in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of Elohim, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ,” is simply that the Yehuveh-molded spokesmen are deeply longing to open the prophecies of Scripture and to understand the communications of the Yehuveh-freed anointed instructors.  

Commentary on Revelation 1:10 (24 November 2007): In Hebrew, being “in the spirit is breathing, being alive. See Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary entry H7306.
“Yehuveh’s day” has only one corresponding Old Testament connection: the great and terrible day of Yehuveh.” Joel 2:31. [There is a rich insight gained from prayerfully, humbly studing all the uses of this expression: Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9; Jeremiah 46:10; Ezekiel 13:5; 30:3; Joel 1:15; 1:1, 11, 31; 3:14; Amos 5:18, 20; Obadiah 1:15; Zephaniah 1:7, 14; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi 4:5.]
This horrible day comes after the end of “the acceptable year of Yehuveh,” after His 1260-days of special instruction end on 17 March 2009. This phrase simply states, the Yehuveh-molded instructors who are alive when the special instruction ends experience all that is described in this book.
“heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” is also a time-reference: “Before this, I had heard a great announcement, as of a trumpet.” On the Feast of Trumpets of the first Year of Returning (Darius), 5 October 2005,  Yehuveh’s anointed had heard the announcement of the 1260-days of special instruction in the astronomical sign of Revelation 12:1-2, 5.
        This verse clearly anchors the prophecy to
this final week to events in our time. With urgent desire, we need to understand Scriptural prophecies and the instruction of those whom Yehuveh anointed and raised up at this time!

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               24 November 2007
Latest Update:                       9 June 2011

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