I. Purpose of this Revelation - Chapter 1
A. Establishing Yehuveh’s Anointed (1:1-8) First Year of Returning (Darius), 10 April 2005 to 29 March 2006
B. Identifying the Time and the People (1:9-20) Seven Years of Restoration, 10 April 2005 to 22 March 2012
II. Messages for the Seven Years - Chapters 2-3
A. Seven Years of Restoring Yehuveh’s Kingdom on Earth
l. [Ephesus] (2:1-7) Dispersion Year: First Year of Returning (Darius), 8 April 2005 to 27 March 2006
2. [Smyrna] (2:8-11) Arising Year: Second Year of Returning (Darius), 28 March 2006 to 17 March 2007
3. [Pergamos] (2:12-17) Gathering Year: Third Year of Returning (Darius), 18 March 2007 to 4 April 2008
4. [Thyatira] (2:18-29) Swelling Year: Fourth Year of Returning (Darius), 5 April 2008 to 25 March 2009
5. [Sardis] (3:1-6) Sequestering Year: Fifth Year of Returning (Darius), 26 March 2009 to 14 March 2010
6. [Philadelphia] (3:7-13) Educational Year: Sixth Year of Returning (Darius), 15 March 2010 to 2 April 2011
7. [Laodicea] (3:14-22) Establishing Year: Sabbatical Year of Rest, 3 April 2011 to 21 March 2012
III. The Restoration Experiences - Chapters 4-22
A. Lamb-king’s Throne Established (4:1-5:14) Fifth Year of Returning (Darius), 26 March 2009 to 14 March 2010
l. Entrance to Yehuveh’s Preparation (4:1) Sign of Revelation 12:1-2, 5: 5 October 2005
2. Establishing the Lamb-king’s Throne (4:2-5) Initial Return to Jerusalem, 19 September 2009
3. Cabinet: Twenty-four Counselors (4:4, 10-11) Establishment of Representative Council, 19 September 2009
4. Four Living Sections of Israel Restored (4:6-11) Rapid One or Two Day Migration, 19 September 2009
5. Sequence of Seven Closing Events Initiated (5:1-14) Initiated by the Lamb-king, 19 September 2009
Gael Bataman Originally Written: 1 June 2008 Latest Update: 14 September 2009
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