Revelation Outlines Events of the Seven Years of Israel’s Restoration Page 2 |
Revelation in Hebrew One of the most well-known phrases from Revelation, “the battle of Armageddon,” is taken directly from the Hebrew words har [mountain or mount] Megeddo and describes the very scenes discussed in Zechariah 12. Lacking any remotely connectable Greek term, the translators simply took the transliteration of the Hebrew words into Greek and created a mystic battle which has fascinated or frightened mankind ever since. Revelation 16:16. Likewise, Revelation 9:11 is clearly explaining a Hebrew name to a Greek reader, an explanation which would not be needed for a Hebrew reader of the original text: “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” Repeatedly, both the sentence structure, choice of words, and pattern of illustration echo Hebrew writing, not Greek thought. The English translation of this book, like the Greek text from which it was translated, are baffling and disconnected. When the text is restored to its Hebrew structure, the entire book opens wide and powerfully before us. This is the reason this re-evaluation is presented. We have a message from Yehuveh for our time! We might as well know what He’s telling us! It could change and save our lives! Take the entire book in sequence, skip to the Dated Outline, or go directly to any verse which fascinates you. Gael Bataman Originally Written: 27 November 2007 Latest Update: 12 May 2011 Return to Zadok Home Page Continue . . . Return One Page Go to Revelation Text Go to Historical Calendar Go to Daniel 11-12 Go to Years of Returning (Darius) |