Commentary on
The Book of Jasher
Chapter 12:11-20.

XII:11. And when the king heard their words, he was exceedingly wroth, and he ordered Terah to
          be brought before him.
XII:12. And the king said, Hast thou heard what the conjurors have spoken? Now tell me truly, how
          didst thou; and if thou shalt speak truth thou shalt be acquitted.
XII:13. And seeing that the king’s anger was so much kindled, Terah said to the king, My lord and
          king, thou hast heard the truth, and what the sages have spoken is right.  And the king said,
          How couldst thou do this thing, to transgress my orders and to give me a child that thou didst
          not beget, and to take value for him?
XII:14. And Terah answered the king, Because my tender feelings were excited for my son, at that
          time, and I took a son of my handmaid, and I brought him to the king.
XII:15. And the king said Who advised thee to this?  Tell me, do not hide aught from me, and then
          thou shalt not die.
XII:16. And Terah was greatly terrified in the king’s presence, and he said to the king, It was Haran
          my eldest son who advised me to this; and Haran was in those days that Abram was born, two
          and thirty years old.
XII:17. But Haran did not advise his father to anything, for Terah said this to the king in order to
          deliver his soul from the king, for he feared greatly; and the king said to Terah, Haran thy
          son who advised thee to this shall die through fire with Abram; for the sentence of death is
          upon him for having rebelled against the king’s desire in doing this thing.
XII:18. And Haran at that time felt inclined to follow the ways of Abram, but he kept it within
XII:19. And Haran said in his heart, Behold now the king has seized Abram on account of these
          things which Abram did, and it shall come to pass, that if Abram prevail over the king I
          will follow him, but if the king prevail I will go after the king.
XII:20. And when Terah had spoken this to the king concerning Haran his son, the king ordered
          Haran to be seized with Abram.


Commentary on Jasher XII:11
(25 February 2009): 

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:       25 February 2009
Latest Update:           25 February 2009

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