Commentary on Enoch’s Second Vision
from the Book of Enoch, Chapter 93:1-5.


The Apocalypse of Weeks
93:1  And after that Enoch both gave and began to recount from the books.
93:2  And Enoch said:

              “Concerning the children of righteousness and concerning the elect of the world,
              And concerning the plant of uprightness, I will speak these things,
              Yea, I Enoch will declare them unto you, my sons:
              According to that which appeared to me in the heavenly vision,
              And which I have known through the word of the holy angels,
              And have learnt from the heavenly tablets.’

93:3  And Enoch began to recount from the books and said:

              ‘I was born
in the seventh in the first week,
              While judgment and righteousness still endured.
93:4  And after me there shall arise
in the second week great wickedness.
              And deceit shall have sprung up;
              And in it there shall be the first end.
              And in it a man shall be saved;
              And after it is ended unrighteousness shall grow up,
              And a law shall be made for the sinners.
93:5  And after that
in the third week at its close
              A man shall be elected as the plant of righteous judgment,
              And his posterity shall become the plant of righteousness for evermore.

93:3 The weeks presented here are seven-hundred-year-cycles, each day representing one hundred years. Enoch was born in 674 M.J. (622 M.A., 3314 B.C.).

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:              15 December 2011

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