Section 1: Yehuveh’s Love, Article 6

Who or What is Elohim?

“I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed,
when there was no strange elohim among you:
therefore ye are my witnesses,
saith Yehuveh, that I am Elohim
Isaiah 43:12.

n the Scriptures, as we currently have them in English, the word God is translated from a Hebrew word, Elohim. We feel quite sure we know who God is—the creator, sustainer, protector, instructor; the One who knows everything (omniscient, if you like big words), who has all power
(omnipotent), and is everywhere (omnipresent) directing everything. Because we have grown up with both the word God and all the associated concepts about Him, we think we know what or who is designated by this title. However, in reality most of us have little Scriptural foundation for what we believe. Few of us could provide Scriptural statements to support our understanding of who God is. 

Perceptions of Elohim Instead of God
        We have been handed a fascinating collection of beliefs about
God, but do we know if any of them have solid support in Scriptures? This question becomes vivid disturbing if you take away the word God and restore Elohim. Do you have even a vague idea of whom or what Elohim is? No! Truth be told, almost no one has heard this word, let alone having the least idea who Elohim is or how to relate to Him, yet we feel quite comfortable with the very vague word God. Fortunately, when we come to understand Elohim we will be pleasantly surprised at how rich the Scriptures are in explaining all aspects of Elohim

Herein is All Joy, Knowing Yehuveh is Our Elohim
        Yehuveh states:
“I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange elohim among you: therefore ye are My witnesses, saith Yehuveh, that I am Elohim.” While this verse is very nice for identifying Elohim with Yehuveh, the words that I am are supplied and this verse is no different from 532 others in Hebrew which simply address our Creator as Yehuveh Elohim [in the K.J.V. English this is translated the LORD God]! Isaiah 43:12.
Elohim is not a name but a description or address. What does this address mean? From the companion article, Do You Know His Name?, when Moses asked how he was to present Yehuveh to Israel, he was told: “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Yehuveh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations.” Yehuveh is our Creator and Father’s name, Elohim describes all of His magnificent qualities which nurture and bless us. But what is the understandable meaning of Elohim? To Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to us, who or what is Elohim? Exodus 3:15.
        A. E. Waite, in his fascinating books,
The Holy Kabbalah, Dover Press, 2003, p. 342, states,  To know that Yehuveh is Elohim. Herein is all joy of heart.” When I first read that statement I had no idea what it meant, but when I came to understand the full grandure of all twelve aspects of Elohim I realized the same awesome truth! Herein, indeed, is all joy of heart! This is one of the grandest of all restored truths! [Elohim is simply plural for the Hebrew word el, meaning strength or force, which we also mis-translate as God.]

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:               16 December 2005
Latest Update:                    24 September 2009

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