Enoch’s Second Vision
Introduction, Page 3 
The Book of Enoch, Chapters 85-90

        The text used here is taken in entirety from
The Book of Enoch, translated by R. H. Charles, Oxford, 1912; published by Artisan Publishers, 1998. I have taken a single liberty to replace Mr. Charles’ translation of the Lord with Yehuveh 8 and God with Elohim 9.
The Book of Enoch is available from Artisan Publishers for $12.95. Another translation of The Book of Enoch by Laurence, without much commentary, is also available from the same publishers for $7.55 - $8.00. The translational differences between these two books provides insight as to the potential original text, so I would recommend obtaining coppies of both for serious study. The formatting of the two books into chapters and verses are similar for the first half of the book, then quite different for the latter half.
        For information or to order these or many other excellent books, go directly to this publisher’s website: 

8See Appendix A: Name:    The Use of “The Lord” versus “Yehuveh”
9See Appendix B: Elohim:  The Use of “God” versus “Elohim”

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         15 September 2006
Latest Update:                 9 December 2011

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