Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 76:8-14.


76:8  And through the middle portal next to it there come forth fragrant smells, and dew and
          rain, and prosperity and health.
76:9  And through the third portal lying to the west come forth dew and rain, locusts and
76:10  And after these the north winds: from the seventh portal in the east come dew and rain,
          locusts and desolation.
76:11  And from the middle portal come in a direct direction health and rain and dew and
          prosperity; and through the third portal in the west come cloud and hoar-frost, and
          snow and rain, and dew and locusts.
76:12  And after these four are the east winds: through the first portal adjoining the north come
          forth dew and hoar-frost, and cold and snow and frost.
76:13  And from the middle portal come forth dew and rain, and prosperity and blessing; and
          through the last portal which adjoins the south come forth drought and desolation, and
          burning and destruction.
76:14  And the twelve portals of the four quarters of the heaven are therewith completed, and all
          their plagues and all their benefactions have I shown to thee, my son Methuselah.

76:8 T

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:                8 December 2011

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