Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 74:13-17.


74:13 In three years there are 1092 days, and in five years 1820 days, so that in eight years there
          are 2912 days.
74:14 For the moon alone the days amount in three years to 1062 days, and in five years she falls
          50 days behind: i.e. to the sum of 1770 there is be added 1000 and 62 days.
74:15  And in five years there are 1770 days, so that for the moon the days in eight years amount
          to 2932 days.
74:16  For in eight years she fall behind to the amount of eighty days, all the days she falls behind
          in eight years are eighty.
74:17  And the year is accurately completed in conformity with their work-stations and the stations
          of the sun, which rise from the portals through which it (the sun) rises and sets thirty days.

74:13 T

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:                7 December 2011

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