Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 72:7-16.


72:7  And in that fourth portal from which the sun rises in the first month are twelve
          window-openings, from which proceed a flame when they are opened in their season.
72:8  When the sun rises in the heaven, he comes forth through that fourth portal thirty mornings
          in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heaven.
72:9  And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the
          thirtieth morning.
72:10  On that day the day is longer than the night by a ninth part, and the day amounts exactly
          to ten parts and the night to eight parts.
72:11  And the sun rises from that fourth portal, and sets in the fourth and returns to the fifth
          portal of the east thirty mornings, and rises from it and sets in the fifth portal.
72:12  And then the day becomes longer by two parts and amounts to eleven parts, and the
          night becomes shorter and amounts to seven parts.
72:13  And it returns to the east and enters into the sixth portal, and rises and sets in the sixth
          portal one and thirty mornings on account of its sign.
72:14  On that day the day becomes longer than the night, and the day becomes double the night,
          and the day becomes twelve parts, and the night is shortened and becomes six parts.
72:15  And the sun mounts up to make the day shorter and the night longer, and the sun returns
          to the east and enters into the sixth portal, and rises from it and sets thirty mornings.
72:16  And when thirty mornings are accomplished, the day decreases by exactly one part, and
          becomes eleven parts, and the night seven.

72:7 T

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:                5 December 2011

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