Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 63:10-12.


63:10  Now they will say unto themselves: ‘Our souls are full of unrighteous gain, but it does
          not prevent us from descending from the midst thereof into the burden of Sheol.’

63:11  And after that their faces shall be filled with darkness
              And shame before
that Son of Man,
              And they shall be driven from his presence,
              And the sword shall abide before his face in their midst.

63:12  Thus spake
Yehuveh of spirits: ‘This is the ordinance and judgment with respect to the
          mighty and the kings and the exalted and those who possess the earth before Yehuveh of

63:10 T

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:                4 December 2011

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