Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 54:7-10.


Noachic Fragment on the First World Judgment
54:7  And in those days shall punishment come from
Yehuveh of spirits, and He will open all the
          chambers of water which are above the heavens, and of the fountains which are beneath
          the earth.
54:8  And all the waters shall be joined with the waters: that which is above the heavens is the
          masculine, and the water which is beneath the earth is the feminine.
54:9  And
they shall destroy all who dwell on the earth and those who dwell under the ends of
          the heaven.
54:10  And when they have recognized their unrighteousness which they have wrought on the
          earth, then by these shall they perish.’

54:7 T

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:        11 July 2006
Latest Update:               3 December 2011

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