Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 17:6-8.


17:6  I saw the great rivers and came to the great river and to the great darkness, and went to
          the place where no flesh walks.
17:7  I saw the mountains of the darkness of winter and the place whence all the waters of
          the deep flow.
17:8  I saw the mouths of all the rivers of the earth and the mouth of the deep.

17:6 If, as speculated in regard to the last verse, the great sea was the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible that Enoch was traken over this water to the American contenents and “the great rivers and came to the great . . . darkness, . . . the place where no flesh walks,” was in reference to uninhabited lands surrounding the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Hudson and like rivers which at a date millenia ago may have had a notably different formation and no human population. It goes without saying that this is speculation without any information to clearly identify it as such.

17:7 What are “the mountains of the darkness of winter”? Would this refer to the mountains on the Antarctic continent? There is evidence that the axis of planetary rotation shifted from a position in the Atlantic between Canada and Great Britain to it’s present position. The ramifications of this shift are far-reaching and profound. Lands now in the area of Great Britain and northern Canada which, at an earlier time, were polar and frozen in a polar ice cap are now temporate and habitable. At the same time, other regions which were temporate, became polar and frozen under a new ice cap. Could these regions at that time have been termed “the mountains of the darkness of winter”?
        David Allen Deal, in his fascinating book,
The Day Behemoth and Leviathan Died, pp. 64-65, provides discussion and maps illustrating this polar shift. This is a thoroughly-researched presentation well worthy of your examination. This book is available directly from Artisan Publishers or Mr. Deal also supports a fascinating website, in which he discusses finding the location of Noah’s ark, and the historical significance of this find.
        From where do
“all the waters of the deep flow”? At present I have no Scriptural answer for this question.

17:8 Where are “the mouths of all the rivers of the earth” and “the mouth of the deep”?

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:          11 July 2006
Latest Update:                1 December 2011

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