Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 14:8a.


14:8  And the vision was shown to me thus: Behold, in the vision clouds invited me and a mist
          summoned me, and the course of the stars and the lightnings sped and hastened me, and
          the winds in the vision caused me to fly and lifted me upward, and bore me into heaven.

14:8 From this point onward in this particular vision and experience of Enoch the heavenly scenes are described in details unfamiliar to our experiences in this earth. Some things we can comprehend, but much of this will require knowledge and experineces which have yet to be restored to us.
          Rather than assuming we cannot understand these unfamiliar descriptions, let’s assume we can and consider what Enoch is describing from that perspective. Here he states things we can comprehend. What or where is heaven
if transport there is accomplished through the manners Enoch describes:

“clouds invited me”: We know from many Scriptures that Yehuveh conceals His
            glory from men in thick clouds.
“Ascribe ye strength unto Elohim: His excellency is over
Israel, and His strength is in the clouds.” “Clouds and darkness are round about Him:
            righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne.” “Moses drew near unto
            the thick darkness where Elohim was.”
The very mystery of Yehuveh, concealed in
            the clouds, invites us to come to where He is. But beyond the cloud, Yehuveh Himself
            invites us
: And the glory of Yehuveh abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered
            it six days: and the seventh day He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.”

            Psalms 68:34; 97:2; Exodus 20:21; 24:16
. [Also see Psalms 18:9, 11-12; 77:19; 104:2;
            Exodus 20:21; 24:16-18; Deuteronomy 4:11-12; 1 Kings 8:10-12; 2 Chronicles 6:1;
            Joel 2:2; Nahum 1:3

Commentary on Enoch 14:8 continued . . . .

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:              29 November 2011

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