Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 6:6-8.


6:6  And they were in all two hundred; who descended
in the days of Jared on the summit of
          Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound
          themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
6:7  And these are
the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl,
          Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl,
          Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl.

Comparison with other lists yields these variations: Sêmîazâz [Sêmjâzâ], their leader, Arâkîba [Artâqifa,
          Araquiel], Râmêêl [Armên], Kôkabîêl [Kôkabêl], Tâmîêl [Tûrâêl], Râmîêl [Râmjâl], Dânêl [Dânjâl],
          Êzêqêêl [Nêqâêl], Barâqîjâl [Barâqêl], Asâêl [Azâzêl], Armârôs, Batârêl [Batârjâl], Anânêl [Hanânêl],
          Zaqîêl [Tûrêl], Samsâpêêl [Samipêsîêl, Shamsiêl], Satarêl [Jêtrêl], Tûrêl, Jômjâêl [Rûmâêl], Sariêl.

6:8  These are their chiefs of tens.

[11 July 2006] “In the days of Jared,” just before or at the time of the birth of Enoch, these angels committed this great sin. Enoch mentions this fact again at the end of the book in Enoch 106:13. The significance of this is the rapid spread of evil and the rapid destruction which followed.
        From creation, Jared was born in
M.A. 460 [M.J. 512, 3476 B.C.] and died in M.A. 1422 [M.J. 1474, 2506 B.C.], only 232 years before the flood. [Three systems of dating are used to anchor any single date. M.A. markes the years from creation; M.J. marks the years of the Mega-Jubilees, which is 52 years greater than the corresponding M.A. date; B.C. is an artificial Catholic-initiated dating system counting backwards from the supposed birth of Jesus Christ. Archbishop Ussher is credited with the research which foundationed it.]
        Depending on when in Jared’s lifetime the angels made this pact, it was only a few hundred years from thier fall to the destruction of the earth.
Enoch was born 622 years from creation [M.A. 622, M.J. 674, 4406 B.C.] and lived among men until M.A. 987 [M.J. 1039, 2949 B.C.]. If it was during this earthly lifetime that he repremanded these angels, therefore we know that it was at least five to eight hundred years from their fall to the great deluge.
        R. H. Charles comments,
“The duties of the angel are reflected in his name. This is frequent in Judaism.” P. 16. He then goes on to give some of the meanings and the assignments, attached to these names. 

Sêmîazâz [Sêmjâzâ]: Meaning is uncertain, possibly “mighty name.” He “taught enchantments, and 
Enoch 8:3.
Arâkîba: likely “land of Elohim.” or something relating to eretz, the earth [mentioned as unfallen in other 
        documents. He taught “the signs of the earth.”
Enoch 8:3
Râmêêl [Armên]: “   of Elohim.”
Kôkabîêl [Kôkabêl]: “   of Elohim.” He taught “the constellations.” Enoch 8:3.
Tâmîêl [Tûrâêl]: “the perfection of Elohim.”
Râmîêl [Râmjâl]: “star of Elohim.”
Dânêl [Dânjâl]: “judge of Elohim.”
Êzêqêêl [Nêqâêl]: “strength of Elohim.” He taught “the knowledge of the clouds.” Enoch 8:3.
Barâqîjâl [Barâqêl]: “lighting of Elohim.” He taught “astrology.” Enoch 8:3.
Asâêl [Azâzêl]: [possibly Asiel, 1 Chronicles 4:35] “made of Elohim.” He “taught men to make swords,
        and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals (of the earth) and 
        the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying 
        of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures.”
Enoch 8:1.
Armârôs: “   of Elohim.” He taught “the resolving of enchantments.” Enoch 8:3.
Batârêl [Batârjâl]: “   of Elohim.”
Anânêl [Hanânêl]: “   of Elohim.”
Zaqîêl [Tûrêl]: “    of Elohim.”
Samsâpêêl [Shamsiêl]: “sun of Elohim.” He taught “the signs of the sun.” Enoch 8:3.
Satarêl [Jêtrêl]: “   of Elohim.”
Tûmâêl: “   of Elohim.”
Tûrêl: “rock of Elohim.”
Jômjâêl [Rûmâêl]: “day of Elohim.”
Sariêl [Azâzjâl]: “moon of Elohim.” He taught “the signs of the moon.” Enoch 8:3.
Basaêjal: “   of Elohim.”

6:8 [11 July 2006] There are only nineteen names and for two hundred angels with an overall leader, there should be an additional two names. R. H. Charles correlates several lists and identifies twenty-one names in all. Here he concludes “This list is incomplete. A name has been lost after Tûrêl.” The missing names, according to his correlation of lists, are noted above. Pp. 16-17.     

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:         11 July 2006
Latest Update:              28 November 2011

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