Commentary on the
Book of Enoch, Chapter 5:1-6.


5:1  Observe ye how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore
          give ye heed
and know with regard to His works, and recognize how He that liveth for
          ever hath made them so.
5:2  And
all His works go on thus from year to year for ever, and all the tasks which they
          accomplish for Him, and
their tasks change not, but according as Elohim hath ordained
          so is it done.
5:3  And behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish
and change not their
from His commandments.
5:4  But ye—ye have not been steadfast, nor done
the commandments of Yehuveh,
              But ye have turned away and spoken proud and hard words
              With your impure mouths against His greatness. 
              Oh, ye hard-hearted, ye shall find no peace.

5:5  Therefore shall ye execrate your days,
              And the years of your life shall perish,
the years of your destruction shall be
                    multiplied in eternal execration,
              And ye shall find no mercy.

5:6  In those days ye shall make your names an eternal
                    execration unto all the righteous,
              And by you shall
all who curse, curse.
And all the sinners and godless shall imprecate by you,
And all the [elect] . . . shall rejoice,
              And there shall be forgiveness of sins,
              And every mercy and peace and forbearance:
              There shall be
salvation unto them, a goodly light.

              And for all of you sinners there shall be no salvation,
              But on you shall abide a curse.

[10 July 2006] As seems typical of Greek translations of the Book of Enoch, the added [italicized] words alter the meaning and encumber the reading. How much simpler the Hebrew without these additions! “And His works go on from year to year and all the tasks they accomplish for Him, and change not, but according as Elohim hath ordained so is it done. And behold how the sea and the rivrs in like manner accomplish their tasks.”

5:6 [10 July 2006] Hitler, Stalin,Nero, and many others, have indeed made their “names an eternal execration unto all the righteous”!

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:       10 July 2006
Latest Update:             28 November 2011

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