Recommended Reading
History and Archaeology
Page 2

These are a few of the books we have found helpful along the way!

The Day Behemoth and Leviathan Died: Earth Disaster. David Allen Deal.
  Available from Artisan Publishers; Amazon.
    ©1999. Pb; 314 pp. Kherem La Yah Press.
  ISBN 0933677014  (Paperback).

        “The man Job was informed about these huge animals. ‘Behemoth’ and ‘Leviathan’ by Yahweh personally in rhetorical questions (
Job 40:15-41:26). Behemoth ‘whose tail hung like a cedar tree’ and Leviathan who ‘had no fear’ with sharp teeth and scales. These terrible dinosaurs had their ‘heads crushed’ when Yahweh formed the sea (Psalm 74:13-14). Read evidence for the catastrophe that killed them and restructured the earth before Adam’s creation. Then read the scientifically gathered facts in this book The conclusion demanded by this evidence offered makes ‘evolution’ theory impossible. However these dinosaurs did not exist in Adam’s age as some popular religious dogmas claim.
        “David Deal presents his case for two devastating earth catastrophes-the first killing the dinosaurs and rifting the continents and Noah’s flood.
        “‘Behemoth’ is the biblical name for the Brontosaurus and ‘Leviathan’ likewise for the Tyrannosax or similar animal. These mighty animals and their entire ecosystem were destroyed in an instant by a catastrophic planetary impact. This was the first of two known catastrophes that have devastated the entire earth.
        “The second catastrophe that we have evidence for is the much later worldwide deluge called by many the ‘Flood of Noah.’
        “These catastrophic events are definitely not connected in time and furthermore dinosaurs never walked on the earth alongside men. This book is about these events.
        “Find out why the Bible stands in complete accord with geological evidence long regarded by American academics as incompatible. All of this and more on the impossible state religion of evolution in this new fully illustrated book by David Allen Deal. 20 years in the making.” Notes from the entry at Artisan Publishers.

See notes attaching these events to
“the great and terrible day of Yehuveh” described in the book of Joel.

Gael Bataman 
Originally Written:        11 April 2006
Latest Update:                2 May 2010

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