Chart of
Noah’s Year of Deliverance
Page 1 - Added Note:
Uncounted Days

What are Uncounted Days?
ancient Solar-Lunar Calendar consisted twelve lunar months. However twelve lunar months spanned 354 to 355 days, falling short of the solar year by ten to eleven days each year. To adjust for this shortfall, an additional month was added approximately every third year (seven out of every nineteen years). Called the second twelfth month, this additional month was inserted before the regular twelfth month so that events anticipated in the final month of each year remained in the final month.
        Each lunar month contained
four counted weeks of seven days each, a total of twenty-eight days. Each seven-day cycle consisted of “six working days” followed by “the seventh” which “is the Sabbath of Yehuveh thy Elohim.” The four Sabbaths approximately aligned with the quarter-phases of the moon, falling on the first quarter phase, the full moon, the third quarter phase, and the dark or new moon. Ezekiel 46:1-3; Exodus 20:10.
lunar month, however, is approximately twenty-nine and a half days long. To keep the cycles of twenty-eight counted days synchronized with the observable twenty-nine-and-a-half-day lunar cycle, one or two adjustment (intercalenary) days are added to the count each month at the dark phase of the lunar cycle. These adjustment (intercalenary) days combined with the final Sabbath of the month to comprise a two- or three-day Sabbath, referred to in Scriptures as the New Moon.
        Evidence that
this final Sabbath plus these additional adjustment (intercalenary) days were considered to be single Sabbath [that is, that the adjustment (intercalenary) days were not included in the count] is provided in several ways by Scripture:

(1)       Scriptural mathematics confirm this manner of
counting time:  Leviticus 23:15-16: “And ye
            shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath
[the final Sabbath of the second 
Spring Rehearsal (Feast), the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which fell on
            the third-quarter phase of the moon of the first month]
, from the day that ye brought the
            sheaf of the wave offering;
seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after
           the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days.”
Deuteronomy 16:9 Yehuveh further clarified these instructions with the words: “Seven
            weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seve weeks from such time as thou
            beginnest to pu the sickle to the corn.”
This early harvest would not have been initiated until
Israel returned from the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so the Sabbath referred to in
Leviticus 23:15-16 could only refer to the final Sabbath of this feast.
ten-based mathematics, as we were taught it in school, satisfies us that seven weeks
            times seven days per week is forty-nine days, and when you add one more you have
                    On a “continuous week” calendar such as
the Gregorian calendar provides, this is indeed
            simple and straightforward mathematics. But with one slight problem: the Gregorian calendar did
            not even exist until 1582, long after these Scriptures were written.
                    However, in
Yehuveh’s ancient Time-keeping System, this seven weeks spans three
months [the final week of the first month, the four weeks of the second month, and the first
            two weeks of the third month]. Each of these months will have one or two
intercalenary) days, which, if counted, would make the count total fifty-two to fifty-four
            days, not fifty.
                    The fact that Scriptures state this span to be exactly fifty days clearly defines the extra
            days to be

        All of this in examined and explained in
Section 5: Time. Study Months, Sevens (Weeks), Calendar.
Continued . . . .   

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:             8 May 2008
Latest Update:                 13 July 2011

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