Section 7: Deeper Wisdom, Article 4
What About Qabbalah?
Page 5-09:
Ninth of Yehuveh’s Twelve Words
Kether: H3804
Crown, Overruling unity

Chochmah: H2451
Wisdom, Intuition

Biynah: H0998
Understanding, Intelligence

Da'ath: H1847
Knowledge, Experience

Chesed: H2617
Mercy, Love

Geburah: H1369
Sound judgment,

Tiphereth: H8597
Beauty, Balance, Harmony

Netsah: H6098
Ambition, Purpose


Vir'ah: H3374
Respect, Fear, Obedience

Hod: H1935
Persistance, Stability

Yesod: H3245
Communication, Connection

Malchuth: H4438
Self-direction, Self-development
Yehuveh’s Ninth Quality/Spirit/Strength: Respect, Fear
Vir'ah [H3374], meaning fear of Yehuveh, respect, reverence, submission, compliance, obedience.
        This is the word which the Greeks entirely removed from the
“tree of life” Qabbalah structure to take the count from twelve to ten. Isaiah 11:2-3, which is discussed in notes below, lists six of the twelve words together, five that remain in the Greek corruption of Qabbalah, plus vir'ah, identifying this word as the twelfth word which completes Yehuveh’s twelve-quality Qabbalah structure. This classic key to Yehuveh’s original and most valuable Qabbalah which the Greeks did not know to remove is hidden in  Isaiah 11:2: “The spirit [H7307: ruwach, “wind; breath, life, anger, unsubstantiality; a spirit”] of Yehuveh [H3068: “the self Existent or Eternal”] shall rest upon him, the spirit [H7307] of wisdom [H2451: chokmah (2)] and understanding [H0998: biynah (3)], the spirit [H7307] of counsel [H6098: `etsah/netsah (8)] and might [H1369: gebuwrah (6)], the spirit [H7307] of knowledge [H1847: da`ath (4)] and of the fear [H3374: yir'ah (9)] of Yehuveh.”
Vir'ah correlates with Yehuveh’s ninth commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” which literally means, do not adulterate [change, corrupt, pervert, diminish or add to] anything which Yehuveh has told us. When the Greeks reduced Yehuveh’s twelve words to ten, it makes perfect sense that this was the single most essential word to remove! “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of Yehuveh your Elohim which I command you.” Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 4:2 [also Deuteronomy 12:32; Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18-19].
         Note that the phrases
“fear of Yehuveh,” “fear Yehuveh,” “feared Yehuveh,” and “feareth Yehuveh” are used seventy-six time in the Old Testament and but once in the New Testament, in Acts 9:31. This contrast provides dramatic evidence that fear of Yehuveh is a Hebrew concept which had no value to the Greeks! Indeed, fear of Yehuveh was directly contrary to Greek desires and ethics. Obviously, then, this would be the one quality/spirit/strength they would be most happy to remove from their retention of ancient wisdom.
        If you wish to study all the
Old Testament references to “fear of Yehuveh” and “fear Yehuveh,” they are Exodus 9:30; 14:31; Deuteronomy 6:2, 13, 24; 10:12, 20; 14:23; 17:19; 31:12, 13; Joshua 4:24; 24:14; 1 Samuel 11:7; 12:14, 18, 24; 1 Kings 18:3, 12; 2 Kings 4:1; 17:28, 32, 33, 41; 2 Chronicles 14:14; 17:10; 19:7, 9; Job 28:28; Psalms 15:4; 19:9; 22:23; 25:12; 27:1; 33:8; 34:9, 11; 111:10; 112:1; 115:11, 13; 118:4; 128:1, 4; 135:20; Proverbs 1:7, 29; 2:5; 3:7; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 14:2, 26, 27; 15:16, 33; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; 31:30; Isaiah 2:10, 19, 21; 11:2, 3; 33:6; 50:10; Jeremiah 5:24; 26:19; Hosea 3:5; Amos 3:8; Jonah 1:9, 16; Malachi 3:16.    

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:          2 December 2005
Latest Update:              28 July 2010
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