Section 7: Deeper Wisdom, Article 2

Astronomy and Astrology

“The heavens declare the glory of Elohim;
and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech,
and night unto night sheweth knowledge.”
Psalm 19:1-2.

id any of you check the ‘newspaper clipping’ collection on the bulletin board upstairs today?” Dr. James asked as all the physics majors assembled in the lecture hall for the weekly Physics Seminar series. He had a playful smile as he looked around the group.
       Not one of us had! So Dr. James told us what he had just posted.
        “In his editorial yesterday, our dear friend Keith Tilluck, our beloved and well-informed local newspaper editor, referred the public to the
Astrology Department at our school as a great place to call for information about sighting this comet during the next two weeks! Anyone here know where our Astrology Department is?” There was a general burst of laughter! 
        I was a freshman and apparently as innocent at the cited editor. I didn’t get the joke. At that point, I had no idea the meaning of or clear distinction between
astronomy and astrology! There is, as I was to learn over the next several years, a dramatic difference, but for me at that moment, as for so many other people, all I knew was that these two words were somehow vaguely related to stars and such.
        Indeed, both
astronomy and astrology are “sciences” of the heavens, but they are absolutely distinct in their process and in the information they provide. And, as any church-going person doubtless realizes, they are quite different in the way in which organized religious groups view them. Thus, the beginning point is clear: If we are to understand the value of each, we must have an exceptionally clear distinction between the two.
        In its simplest terms,
astronomy is the study of the material make-up and movements of objects in the sky. Astronomy is a science as basic as physics, biology, or chemistry. For this reason, most informed religious leaders and organizations accept astronomy as a legitimate study and one that is in harmony with Scripture. Thus it should be.
        By contrast, however,
Astrology, the study of the “influences” of heavenly objects on humanity, has not had great reception among conservative religious groups. Astrology has been called “the devil’s science,” or worse, and generally avoided by avid scholars of Scripture. As will be clear by the end of this discussion, this has been a tragic loss for religious thinkers, leaders, and lay-people alike. Without understanding the crucial value of this aspect of heavenly instruction, humanity has closed the door to one of their most valuable avenues of communication with Yehuveh.
        What is the truth of these matters? What should be our relationship to these two very different and yet very similar fields of study? What are the Scriptural insights which apply here?


Gael Batama
Originally Written:    
26 September 2005
Latest Update:          
28 June 2010    

Complete Study Guide to Article 2       

Astronomy        Cherubim        Astrology        Severed Knowledge       
Yehuveh’s Great Men Knew Astrology       Scriptural References to Astronomy      
The “Hosts of Heaven”      Twelve Animals        Four Mitable Signs of Zadok       
Four Mitable Signs of Zadok       Four Cardinal Signs of Zadok      
Ladder with Constellations ascending and Descending
Yehuveh’s Appeal             

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