Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 13
All the Wicked Cut Off
Page 8

       Isaiah 61:1-3 specifies the proclaiming both “the acceptable year of Yehuveh” when Israel’s debt is satisfied and the restoration can begin [the year spanning the spring of 2008 to the spring of 2009] and “the day of vengeance of our Elohim,” both explicitly specific events in our time, but gives us no certain dates.
        With these prophecies we only know that these events must follow certain time frames, but do not provide us with specific dates. Yet, while these Scriptures do not provide us with an exact date, they do provide us numerous relational time-clues. With prayerful, earnest study we do have sound Scripturally-supported evidence for when the land of Israel must be emptied and
Yehuveh’s faithful Israel restored to their homeland.
        We need to prayerfully study these Scriptures for the essential insights,
“for the time is at hand.” These matters are so intensely solemn that Yehuveh repeatedly warns us: “Behold, the day of Yehuveh cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.” “Howl ye; for the day of Yehuveh is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.” “For the day is near, even the day of Yehuveh is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.” “Woe unto you that desire the day of Yehuveh! to what end is it for you? the day of Yehuveh is darkness, and not light.” “Hold thy peace at the presence of Yehuveh Elohim: for the day of Yehuveh is at hand: for Yehuveh hath prepared a sacrifice.” Revelation 1:3; 22:10; Isaiah 13:9, 6; Ezekiel 30:3; Amos 5:18; Zephaniah 1:7. Also study Ezekiel 12:23; Joel 2:11, 31; Zephaniah 2:2-3; Malachi 4:5; Revelation 22:6, 12, 20.

A Clear Sequence of Events
       So, not having a specific date, what do we know from Scriptures? From a number of subtle statements we have a very clear sequence of closing events.
First, the obvious initial event must be the emptying of the land of Israel, for the rebellious people now living in this land must removed before Yehuveh can “gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.” Ezekiel 11:17. Compare Isaiah 11:11-16; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 24:5; 30:10, 11, 18; 31:8-10; 32:37-41; Ezekiel 28:25; 34:13; 36:24; 37:21-28; 39:27-29; Hosea 1:10, 11; Amos 9:14, 15.
The second step, of course, is: “Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.” Jeremiah 7:7.
Zephaniah clearly presents the third step in this sequence—very shortly after Yehuveh judges Jerusalem follows His “great and terrible day” of wider judgment on the world: “It shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, Yehuveh will not do good, neither will He do evil. Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation. . . . The great day of Yehuveh is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of Yehuveh: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against Yehuveh: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of Yehuveh’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy: for He shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.” Joel 2:31; Zephaniah 1:12-18.

No Clear Date Revealed
        This sequence is quite logical but still provides us no firm date for expecting these events. However with this three-step sequence we have one clearly dated attachment to consider. The
New Moon of 15-17 March 2010 began the sixth Year of Returning (Darius) [15 March 2010 to 2 April 2011], what would appear to be the final year of dramatic events before the Sabbatical Year of rest as Yehuveh confirms “the covenant with many for one week.” It would appear that during this sixth Year of Returning Yehuveh finishes cleansing the world and establishes His global kingdom in righteousness, so that the Sabbatical Year can be spent in instruction and rest.
six-year Years of Returning (Darius) plus the final Sabbatical Year provide the seven-year structure described in Revelation and errantly translated as seven churches. Each of these years is described by a name, the seventh year being termed the Putting-Down-Roots Year (Laodicea). This Establishing Year provides a framework into which we may now add the insights provided by and dated in Noah’s Year of Deliverance in the ark. Genesis 6-9 presents one of the most dated detailed stories in all of Scripture. Twelve times we are given specific month and day dates throughout this single year. Why? Might we not conclude that these dates have prophetic value as well as documentary value to the original story?

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:            27 August 2007   
Latest Update:                   5 March 2012

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