Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 10

Seven Heads
with Blasphemous Names

“And there appeared . . . a great red dragon,
having seven heads . . . ”
“and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”
Revelation 12:3; 13:1.

evelation 12:3-4 describes a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads” which is the archenemy of “the woman,” [Yehuveh’s remnant people, the returning tribes of Israel] and of the emerging “man child” [the future “kings and priests” of Yehuveh’s
restored kingdom] who is about “to be delivered.” This dragon is described again in greater detail in Revelation 12:9 as “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” Read The Great Red Dragon regarding the identity of this dragon and Yehuveh Will Reign over All the Earth regarding Yehuveh’s restored kingdom.
        This dragon is not the same as the beast that in
Revelation 13:1 is also described as “having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy,” for Revelation 13:2, 4 and 16:13 clearly state that the dragon gives his power to the beast, thus they are two separate entities pursuing the same cause.
        Traditionally, the interpretations of these passages focus on these
seven heads being heads of state or similar political figures, even including the Pope, and on horns being political powers or national entities. This is legitimate and may indeed hold the key that unlocks these passages, but with equal potential, this picture may be quite different. Perhaps a different initial question will provide a different key, which in turn just may open more doors into understanding. What if, instead of asking, “What are these heads?” we were to ask, Scripturally, what comes in sevens that could war against Yehuveh?” Perhaps this shift of focus will open doors we don’t expect. See Ten Horns with Crowns, regarding the Ten Horns.

What Comes in Sevens?
        That is a concordance question. Any good
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible will provide a list of all the uses of seven(s), seventh, and sevenfold in Scriptures and you will quickly discover you have nearly 500 verses to examine. You could laboriously go through this list item by item and draw out your own list of categories of all the things that are presented in units of seven. Such exhaustive research probably won’t be necessary, for the Law of First Entries will likely prove sufficient here. Simply put, the first use of a word or phrase in Scriptures is often the most important and frequently is found in the book of Genesis. Such insight can often set a direction without the weariness of looking up 20 or 200 verses.
        Quickly assessing the
Concordance list of sevens yields a list of such items as: seven days (Genesis 2:1-3), a sevenfold vengeance (Genesis 4:15, 24), seven years (Genesis 5:25), seven clean beasts (Genesis 7:2), seven fowls of the air (Genesis 7:3), seven months or the seventh month (Genesis 8:4), seven ewe lambs (Genesis 22:28), seven times (Genesis 33:3), seven kine (cattle) (Genesis 41:2, ff), seven ears of corn (Genesis 41:5), seven souls or children (Genesis 46:25; Exodus 2:16), and that’s just in Genesis! A few more sevens show up later in the Scriptures, including seven pillars (Proverbs 9:1), seven men (Proverbs 26:16), seven abominations (Proverbs 26:25), sevenfold restitution (Proverbs 6:31), and seven provinces (Esther 1:1). An exhaustive reading will reveal that nearly ninety percent of the sevens in Scripture refer to time.           

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:     10 November 2005
Latest Update:           30 December 2008

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