Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 3
Confirming the Covenant
for Seven Years

Study Guide
, Page 1

1.  Who had no idea what Daniel was previewing or the rightful time frame for this forecast to
be fulfilled?  

What were they commissioned to create?

What did they blend into their translation?

What does the phrase “shall messiah be cut off” traditionally mean?

What do translators, educators and pastors and priests do and assume?

What must we do to rightly understand Yehuveh’s instruction?
        1.  _______________________________________________________________________________
        2.  _______________________________________________________________________________ 

After what point in history is the messiah to be cut off, but not for himself?

What must we rightly identify in the context of our time?

What does “messiah” mean according to James Strong?

What then, does this passage really state?

What is the seven part work Isaiah specifies for these anointed ones?
        1.  _______________________________________________________________________________
        2.  _______________________________________________________________________________ 
        3.  _______________________________________________________________________________ 
        4.  _______________________________________________________________________________
        5.  _______________________________________________________________________________
        6.  _______________________________________________________________________________ 
        7.  _______________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                 Appreciation to
Kazi for Study Guide preparation 

Gael Bataman         
Originally Written:       16 April 2010
Latest Update:             16 April 2010

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