Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 2 “Seventy Weeks” or Ten Jubilees Page 8 |
Yehuveh’s truth has been “built again . . . even in troublous times,” throughout this first fifty years and the following four hundred and forty-two years. It would be impossible to summarize the troubles which have marked the experience of Yehuveh’s people during this time, to say nothing of all that has happened in the rest of the world. Just to list the wars which have transpired in this five hundred years would be overwhelming. [See] We immediately think of the two world wars, but what about all the smaller wars, such as the Ottoman wars, the Napoleonic wars, the French and Russian Revolutions, or the United States Civil War? What about all the pogroms imposed in Europe throughout these years? What about all the oppressions which drove thousands of people to flee Europe and other nations to the shores of the fledgling United States? These five hundred years have seen the rise and decline of international colonialism and slavery. More recently we have witnessed the increased trouble rising from globalization and global economic developments. These five hundred years have indeed been “in troublous times,” in ways which defy description. But is this the point of Daniel 9:25? Only partially.
The primary point of Daniel’s statement is that during these four hundred ninety-four years “the streets shall be built again” “to restore and to build Jerusalem.” In spite of all the trouble in the world, Yehuveh has restored much wisdom and truth to those who have been seeking Him. It is during this time that protesting reformers have broken much of the yoke of Catholicism and restored a knowledge of Yehuveh’s name, His time-keeping system, His plan of saving mankind, His twelve commandments and hundred forty-four statutes, His past dealings with His people, and His clear prophecies of what is to come in the present and near future. Daniel 9:25. Bringing Our History Past 2005! As noted above, the passing of these fifty years plus four hundred and forty-two years brings Yehuveh’s work to the spring of 2005. The “rest of the story,” the events of Daniel 9:26-27 unfold during the remaining seven-year cycle and final Jubilee Year of this five hundred year Mega-Jubilee cycle and are discussed in Section 6: Article 2: Confirming the Covenant with Many for Seven Years. Gael Bataman Originally Written: 4 November 2005 Latest Update: 11 February 2010 Return to Zadok Home Return to First of Article 2 Return One Page Go to Section 6: Prophecy Go to Historical Calendar Go to Daniel 11-12 Go to Revelation Go to Years of Returning (Darius) |