Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 2
“Seventy Weeks” or Ten Jubilees
Page 7

       Here was the word that would eventually become the movement to restore Yehuveh’s government and global kingship! Herein lay the seed-thought that was echoed five years later on 31 October 1517, in greater volume as Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the castle Church at Wittenberg. He posted these propositions against the Catholic doctrines of indulgences hoping only for discussion, yet this act visibly began the Reformation!
word to restore and to build Jerusalem . . . .” was Yehuveh’s word! While He used the voices of Lefevre, Luther, and thousands of others who cried out for reform and redress, it was Yehuveh’s word which launched the five hundred years which He had long before “determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”

“Seven Weeks” to “Messiah the Prince”
        According to the prophecy, this opening in
the spring of 1513 was followed seven sevens of years later by the coming of “the Messiah the Prince,” which in Hebrew is from the words mashiyach [H4899, anointed] and nagiyd [H5057, a commander (civil, military or religious) or anyone occupying the front position”] merely, an anointed leader. “Seven sevens” years plus the Jubilee year, or fifty years after the spring of 1513 would be the spring of 1563. Who arose as an anointed leader at that time? Martin Luther was off the scene and John Calvin would die but two years later. No prominent leader stands out. But something else is did arise in 1513 which fully satisfies this prophecy!
        A short time before this date, a Scriptural song book, “the Psalter, the book of the 150 Psalms, translated into French verse, set to music,” was published and began to circulate. It immediately became immensely popular and encouraged many of the common people to embrace the Reform doctrines. “Protestant activism came into the open. The first public services were held in 1562” in the Netherlands with immediate violence, and “in March 1562 open warfare broke out in France.” “During the crisis of 1562-1563, he [Theodore de Beza, the leader who took over in Geneva when John Calvin died in 1564]
set up a publishing syndicate of thirty printers throughout France and Geneva” to print “the Psalter.” Despite the Catholic resistance, this wave of publication could not be stopped. “A massive increase in Bible publication came only after 1562.” Yehuveh raised up His Word, His anointed messenger, at the time prophesied!††

The Reformation: A History, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Penguin Books, 2003, pp. 306-308. William Tyndale’s translation of the Scriptures into English has already begun its work in Great Britain. The New Testament had been printed in 1525-1526 and the Pentateuch five years later.

“Threescore and Two Weeks”
        Immediately following and attached to this
“seven weeks,” is another time-span of “threescore and two weeks” with the only explanation that during this entire time “the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.” After this anointed leader came in 1563, the broadcasting of Yehuveh’s word in the form of the Psalter which opened the way for restoring the written Scriptures and Scriptural truths to the common people, sixty-two weeks of rebuilding followed (seven years and a Jubilee Year shy of the remaining nine Jubilee periods in this Mega-Jubilee cycle, or eight times fifty or four hundred years plus six times seven or forty-two years, a total of four hundred and forty-two years). The simple mathematics of adding four hundred and forty-two years to the spring of 1563 brings us to the spring of 2005. Daniel 9:25.

Gael Bataman         
Originally Written:        4 November 2005
Latest Update:            11 February 2010

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