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Section 6: Opening Prophecy, Article 2 “Seventy Weeks” or Ten Jubilees Page 6 |
“(6) To anoint the most holy [Not yet done.] Most commentators, even many amillennialists (e.g., Keil and Leupold), to whom this passage is somewhat of an embarrassment, feel that this refers to a renewed Temple, anointed like the Tabernacle of old, following the results enumerated in the five promises preceding (see Ezekiel 40:1-7; Isaiah 4:2-6).” If, then, this passage did not and could not apply to Israel’s history in the first century A.D., where and when does it rightly apply? The Five-Hundred-Year Countdown We know that from 24 March 2012 to 9 April 2013 is Yehuveh’s next Jubilee year. At that time, all these predictions will be fulfilled: transgression will be finished and sin will have ended, for the war of Revelation 12:7-9 will be history and “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of Yehuveh.” Reconciliation for iniquity will be completed, as Israel’s debt is paid in full in the acceptable year of Yehuveh (the spring of 2008-through the spring of 2009). The Day of Vengeance of our Elohim and the remainder of Yehuveh’s war against the “Great Red Dragon” will have eliminated Yehuveh’s enemies and brought in everlasting righteousness. The remaining events of the book of Revelation will have taken place, sealing up the vision and prophecy. And Yehuveh’s temple [His people becoming all they can be] will have been restored and anointed (Exodus 40:9; Zechariah 6:12-15; Ezekiel 40:1-7, 41-48; Isaiah 4:2-6; 56:6-8). The fitting conclusion, then, is that this year will fully satisfy this prophecy, raising the question: What happened to Israel, Daniel’s people, during the five hundred years leading up to this date? Revelation 11:15. Since the spring of 2012 to the spring of 2013 marks a Jubilee Year, it follows that five hundred years earlier from the spring of 1512 to the spring of 1513 was also a Jubilee Year, the final Jubilee Year of the previous Mega-Jubilee cycle. On the Day of Restarting (Atonement) of the last Sabbatical year of that cycle, 4 October 1511, Yehuveh proclaimed Liberty for His people. The next year ended that Mega-Jubilee cycle and the following spring of 1513 began our current [Daniel 9:24] Mega-Jubilee cycle. [The history of 4 October 1511 is most fascinating. The counterpart to Yehuveh’s proclamation of this coming year of release [Jubilee Year] and the soon-to-begin five hundred years of restoration “determined” for His people was an effort by the Roman Catholic Church to strengthen their hold on mankind. They launched the Holy League on this date. “The Gardyners Passetaunce is a propaganda poem promoting the newly formed Holy League which was proclaimed on 4 October 1511.” This tract “discusses the nature of a just war, the merit of fighting in defense of the Pope and compares Louis XIII of France to various tyrants and persecutors of religion.” See http://www.maggs.com/recent/index.asp?book=4.] Commandment to Restore and to Build Jerusalem Within this five hundred year framework, beginning with the spring of 1513 [Daniel 9:25], let’s examine every phrase of this prophecy: “From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks . . . .” What “commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem” was issued in the spring of 1513, and by whom was it issued? Historically, none is recorded in human history! But what did Daniel actually write? Daniel 9:25. The Hebrew word translated commandment is dabar [H1697] merely meaning word. What word to build and restore Jerusalem was issued in 1513? In that year the elderly, devoted papal educator, Lefevre, an instructor at the University of Paris, began to write and publish the thoughts that would later take form as the outcry of the Great Reformation: “It is God who gives us, by faith, that righteousness which by grace alone justifies to eternal life.”† †The History of Protestantism, James A. Wylie (1808-1890), 1878, Book 13: From the Rise of Protestantism in France, 1510, to the Publication of Institutes, 1536, Ch. I. Gael Bataman Originally Written: 4 November 2005 Latest Update: 11 February 2010 Return to Zadok Home Continue . . . Return One Page Go to Section 6: Prophecy Go to Historical Calendar Go to Daniel 11-12 Go to Revelation Go to Years of Returning (Darius) |