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Section 5: Yehuveh’s Time System, Article 13 Mega-Jubilee Cycles Page 3a |
Psalms 90:4 “For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past,
and as a watch in the night.” 2 Peter 3:8 “One day is with Yehuveh as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” M.J. From Creation Gregorian Jubilee Start End Start End Significant Events Significant Persons FIRST “Thousand years” “Day” 1 1 - 50 3987 - 3938 1/3987 Creation Adam/Eve created 2 51 - 100 3937 - 3888 52/3936 Adam and Eve rebell and leave Eden Cain & Abel born F 3 101 - 150 3887 - 3838 I 4 151 - 200 3837 - 3788 182/3806 Seth Born (130 + 52) Seth born R 5 201 - 250 3787 - 3738 S 6 251 - 300 3737 - 3688 T 7 301 - 350 3687 - 3638 8 351 - 400 3637 - 3588 9 401 - 450 3587 - 3538 10 451 - 500 3537 - 3488 11 501 - 550 3487 - 3438 512/3476 Jared born (460 + 52) Jared born 12 551 - 600 3437 - 3388 S 13 601 - 650 3387 - 3338 E 14 651 - 700 3337 - 3288 674/3314 Enoch born (622 + 52) Enoch born C 15 701 - 750 3287 - 3238 O 16 751 - 800 3237 - 3188 796/3192 Enoch made king of kings N 17 801 - 850 3187 - 3138 D 18 851 - 900 3137 - 3088 19 901 - 950 3087 - 3038 20 951 - 1000 3037 - 2988 982/3106 Adam dies (930 + 52) Adam dies SECOND “Thousand years” “Day” 21 1001 - 1050 2987 - 2938 1039/2949 Enoch translated (987 +52) Enoch translated 22 1051 - 1100 2937 - 2888 Wickedness rises T 23 1101 - 1150 2887 - 2838 1108/2880 Noah born (1056 + 52) Noah born H 24 1151 - 1200 2837 - 2788 I 25 1201 - 1250 2787 - 2738 R 26 1251 - 1300 2737 - 2688 D 27 1301 - 1350 2687 - 2638 28 1351 - 1400 2637 - 2588 29 1401 - 1450 2587 - 2538 30 1451 - 1500 2537 - 2488 1474-2514 Jared dies (1422 + 52) Jared dies 31 1501 - 1550 2487 - 2438 32 1551 - 1600 2437 - 2388 1588/2400 Noah begins to preach (120 years) Noah Preaches F 33 1601 - 1650 2387 - 2338 O 34 1651 - 1700 2337 - 2288 U 35 1701 - 1750 2287 - 2238 1708/2280 Global flood (1656 + 52) Flood cleanses! R 36 1751 - 1800 2237 - 2188 T 37 1801 - 1850 2187 - 2138 H 38 1851 - 1900 2137 - 2088 39 1901 - 1950 2087 - 2038 40 1951 - 2000 2037 - 1988 2000/1988 Abraham born (1948 +52) Abraham born Gael Bataman Originally Written: 28 December 2009 Latest Update: 1 January 2010 Return to Mega-Jubilee Cycles Article, page 3 Mega-Jubilee Cycles 1 through 4 (1-2000 M.J./3987-1988 B.C.) Mega-Jubilee Cycles 5 through 8 (2001-4000 M.J./1987 B.C.-12 A.D.) Mega-Jubilee Cycles 9 through 12 (4001-6000 M.J./13-2012 A.D.) Mega-Jubilee Cycles 13 through 14 (6001-7000 M.J./2013-3012 A.D.) Return to Zadok Home Continue . . . Return One Page Go to Section 5: Time Go to Historical Calendar Go to Daniel 11-12 Go to Revelation Go to Years of Returning (Darius) |