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Section 5: Yehuveh’s Time System, Article 6 Sevens (Weeks) “If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; . . . but if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks (sevens).” Leviticus 12:2, 5. |
“Y | |||||||
ou realize that there is no continual week.” I turned to see who spoke. He was a total stranger to me. I had no reason to believe him. What he said was contrary to everything I had ever been told, yet his comment cut through my thoughts like a knife. Why did his words haunt me? I | |||||||
wanted to dismiss everything he said, yet at the same time I wanted to know more. Not another word, and the young man slipped out before the meeting ended so I never had opportunity to speak to him. I spent weeks pondering his simple sentence. Some six weeks after this first strange encounter Yehuveh answered my questions. I had met with another group on the other side of Tennessee to present a week-end seminar. Toward the back of the group a well-dressed and well-groomed young man caught my attention. I was drawn to him with an irresistable force which I could not explain. An hour into the Seminar, when the first break came, I made my way directly to the back of the room, pulled up a chair beside this young stranger, introduced myself, and asked his name. I tried to make small talk, asking where he was from and what line of work he was in. He was Sherman and he worked in the building trades. But making small talk was pointless; neither my mind nor his was working at this level. Suddenly, abruptly, I asked, “Tell me why there are no continuous weeks.” The question surprised me as much as it startled him, but he smiled. This total stranger knew the answers I was seeking, but neither of us could explain why I had singled him out that morning, apart from Yehuveh’s spirit driving us together. He and his wife were the only two in the room that understood Yehuveh’s Time System but had discussed it with very few others who were attending the Seminar. Patiently he filled in all the details about Yehuveh’s time-keeping and answered all my questions. “The word week is not Scriptural and I don’t like to use it,” Sherman told me several times during our discussion. “In Scriptures the Hebrew word which was translated week was simply seven. There were lots of sevens in Scriptures which were not time-related and I frankly don’t like the intrusion of the word week wherever the translators wished to place it. But back to your original question, the time-keeping system of counting seven days, then repeating the count continuously, is of relatively recent historical development. Anciently time was measured by the movements of the sun and moon, as set forth by Yehuveh Himself in Genesis 1:14, ‘Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.’ In His system the sevens (weeks) were repeated four times each month, then interrupted with the New Moon days.” I had never heard anything like this. Every break during the Seminar that day and for the rest of the next two days I plied Sherman with questions. For every answer he took me to the Scriptures and explained the ancient ways by its statements and stories. I knew the Scriptures well already, but never had anyone taken me to the depths of insight evident in Sherman’s explanations. From past Scriptural knowledge, I immediately knew what he explained was true. Gael Bataman Originally Written: 28 August 2005 Latest Update: 14 November 2009 Complete Study Guide to Article 6 What is a “Week”? Sevens (Weeks) in Yehuveh’s Time System Purpose of the Sevens (Weeks) Change to the Continuous Week Other Discussions of Sevens (Weeks) History of the Continuous Week Return to Zadok Home Continue Article 6 . . . Go to Section 5: Time Go to Historical Calendar Go to Daniel 11-12 Go to Revelation Go to Years of Returning (Darius) |