Section 5: Yehuveh’s Time System, Article 5


“From one New Moon to another,
and from one Sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before Me,
saith Yehuveh”
Isaiah 66:23.

id you ever think about what Isaiah 66:23 is really saying?” Jeff asked, looking up from his reading. “Listen to these words: ‘From one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yehuveh.’ That makes it sound like New Moons are to
to be treated like Sabbaths, doesn’t it? I’ve never heard anyone talk about New Moons, ever. Have you?”
        Melisa stared thoughtfully at the shirt she was mending. “Interesting. You’re right on both accounts. That does make it sound like
New Moons and Sabbaths are treated the same, but I have never read or heard anything like that either. Might be worth some research to see if there is anything else in Scriptures about this.”
        “It reminds me of the American Indians talking about how many ‘moons’ since an event occurred.” Jeff paused and looked intensely at a calendar across the room. “In fact, doesn’t the very word
month comes directly from moon? What are we missing?” Melisa shrugged.
        After a moment of reflective silence, Jeff continued, “I wonder just what
Isaiah is telling us and whether it has anything to do with what the Native Americans believed. I’m not even sure where to begin looking for these answers. Any ideas?”
        “Not really,” Melisa answered, “but somehow it suddenly seems very important that we understand this part of
Isaiah. I suppose the first place to begin is to see what else the Scriptures say about New Moons. There may be some answers there that we’ve been overlooking all our lives.”
        Over the next few weeks both Jeff and Melisa began researching this topic and were astonished to discover more
than two dozen Scriptural references to “new moons,” a “new moon,” or “the beginnings of your months.” Not only did they find ties between the New Moons and the Sabbaths, but they began to regain a sense of time-keeping that was in full harmony with Yehuveh’s very first discussion of time: “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” Both were amazed. 1 Samuel 20:5, 18; 1 Chronicles 23:31; Numbers 10:10; Genesis 1:14.
        Several days after the first conversation, as they were unloading groceries from their van one evening, Jeff turned to Melisa and asked, “I’ve been thinking more about this
New Moon stuff we were discussing. Don’t you think New Moons were meant to mark months, rather than the arbitrary arrangement of time on the calendar we use now? It makes no sense that the New Moons would come randomly in the months the way they now appear to do. What do you think?”
        “That gives me shivers,” Melisa responded. “These very same thoughts have been going around and around in my head for the past three days. It seems so obvious, doesn’t it? I have to wonder why so many people ignore or overlook these statements in Scriptures.”

Gael Bataman
Originally Written:      28 August 2005
Latest Update:           11 November 2009                     Also read the companion article: New Moons

Complete Study Guide to Article 5   

Why is No One Discussing New Moons and Months?        What Were the New Moons?       
Months are an Integrated Part of the Whole Time System        New Moons are Monthly Sabbaths   
Months are Measured in Whole Days    How Do We Return to Yehuveh’s Way of Marking a Month?  
Counting the Days of the Month        More About Yehuveh’s Months      
Blank Writable Lunar Calendar for Any Year        Estimated Lunar Calendar for 2009-2011       

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