Section 5: Yehuveh’s Time System, Article 4
New Moon Days
Study Guide
, Page 1

1.  What is the key that unlocks Yehuveh’s time-keeping system?

What causes the apparent confusion created in returning to Yehuveh’s original
time-keeping system?

What is the “Daily Sacrifice” spoken of by Daniel? Daniel 11:31; 12:11.

What is the meaning of an “abomination that maketh desolate”? Daniel 11:31; 12:11.

Contrast the seven day week in the Gregorian Calendar and Yehuveh’s Time System
Psalms 91:14-16.

Why are there two or three days at the beginning of every month?

What are these days designated?

What do these designated Sabbaths provide?

What two purposes does the “New Moon Day” serve?
        1.  _______________________________________________________________________________
        2.  _______________________________________________________________________________

Why would humanity want to turn from this simple natural time-keeping?
                                                                                 Appreciation to
Kazi for Study Guide preparation 

Gael Bataman         
Originally Written:       25 January 2010
Latest Update:             25 January 2010

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